13 January, 2011

Rule of thirds.

Perhaps that will be my first stencil in my New Years resolution. Seems fitting given the shit-storm that has been and will be.

Terrifying, really.

No need to recount or hark about the incomprehensible, Kafkaesque and the absurd. I need perhaps remind myself however that it's about time this came around, in fact as it really seems the case that the stupid and incomprehensible of circumstance is drawn to me with unimaginable force.

I initially started this post quite some time ago, and haven't really taken it upon myself to wrap things up until now.

Even though it doesn't seem to be the case that anyone really downloads the music I throw up here, I really like this track off of Iron & Wine's new album that came out just last week:
Iron & Wine--Rabbit Will Run

New York was phenomenal. I wish I could have been riding on the cloud of calm and peace that I came back on, but I had to spend days cleaning my old place more throughly than I've ever cleaned something then move into a new place. Then my car died in the middle of a bustling car wash the following day. Wonderful. Fortunate for my case, I was able to get all the moving done before the big freeze that is still clinging to this city. The cold that has not only fallen upon Denver, but the rest of the United States is one of the boldest we've yet seen. Strange times indeed.

13 & God are putting out something new this spring. Here's a preview of their new song, Armored Scarves

I'll leave it at that for now. I can say that things are moving, churning and bubbling. Let's hope something sticks....

04 January, 2011

et encore


...and let this be a second piece to what I started yesterday, as I quite realized I am a few steps shy from finished...

This song is real pretty and nice. I think I'm throwing it up here because the main chorus articulates a certain way of feeling that's been streaming through me lately. "Let me know when we get there, if we get there..."
Fink--Sort of Revolution (Cinematic Orchestra Remix)

4 Days in and,as hinted at, 2011's been a bit of a maelstrom. Not sure how to take it but the shock of it's violence as a reintroduction and a recreation of things--they certainly feel that way. Not refreshed, but new and young. With a new sense of youth comes a new sense of fear and direction.

Anxiety. Excitement.

The dynamics of color on this video really intrigue me:

and these tracks:
Lorn--Cherry Moon

Resolution #1: Commit to Creating (street) art. Watching this documentary (any any akin to it, like Bomb-It!) pull out that drive in me, that person that I want to be more of. This year, I am going to be more of it.

Resolution #2: Write, record and document more. Create and Generate. Be more of who I am. Simple enough.

More will come as they arrive. That is how change comes about.

Not sure whether I am an anchor or a feather. To float and drift or dwell. The lust to burst out may have lost the strength of its heat (although it still remains!) and I don't know how to put it. I suppose there are so many things left untouched for me that I still feel pulse toward. Also, such a bursting realm of the possible. The possible ranks higher than the actual. So many things just within my touch: a beauty and strength needing only trust. The next month will determine its arrival or withering. I love knowledge that you can feel.

Look Alive (Blockhead Remix)

En attendant.

But, really, all else must yield to the importance of remembering: