19 November, 2009

Breezing through

Whew! Things have been mad-wild busy and fun. Working an additional job and doing an internship, which makes about 40 hours a week at one job, 10-15 at the other, 10 at the internship and about 16 spent in class each week. Hot damn. Been working overtime the last two weeks as a relief worker...maybe that says something about the company. Plus just picked up an overnight tonight. Good time to get some studying.

In other news, I just (like 15 minutes ago) bought a new laptop! Out of need and impulse (not to mention my other one no longer turns on...after 6 years, it's time for something new. I went with this cutie. 8.5-hour Battery life was particularly appealing...not to mention DDR3 memory. I'm stoked.

In music news, Guess who's back?!? Themselves have a new album that is fresh off the press, Crowns Down. It's my winner for the month. Plus they are on tour right now, so catch 'em while you can. I might be driving to Salt Lake City to see them the 11th/12th of December. It's that good. They're so good that Kanye West threw their new video for Roman Is as Roman Does on his blog. At least check this video. It's hysterical.I'll throw up some more stuff from their new album soon, but for now, here's a good one with Aesop takin' a step up to the mic.

Here's some more:

WHY - One Rose (Alias Remix)

That's it for now, I'd say. I'll be throwin' some stuff up here more regularly soon on account of my having a working computer and a bit more time with first quarter now lingering in my back pocket.

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