03 January, 2010

New year, new melodies

I haven't thrown anything new up here in over a month. Gross. Largely on account of my not being in school and therefore having the internet even less at my fingertips. But I'm starting Monday and have a lot of new sounds to share with the small corpus of people who happen to read this, mais boef, ce n'est pas grave.

Two of particular interest this time:

Son Lux, Betray

An excellent solo artist out of New York. And, yes, another contributing benefactor to all things amazing and musically-challenging that is anyone on the Anticon label. His sound is a peculiar one, as it experiments with its own mood and tempo..at least that's what I'd say. Here's a starter; I'll throw one of his remixes up here later.

Darc Mind

Another Anticonnie, as I'll say; damn good voice and sound this guy has. Give it a listen.

...and then, of course, I have to have my personal favorite, super-weird bonus track. If you have paitence and an affinity for the mercurial, melodic and sharp sounds of Themselves (one of my new favorite bands) at their most unhinged, you'll love this one.

Any thoughts?

Cheers. Happy new year. Listen to more and different music. That should be everyone's resolution indeed. I'll throw some more stuff your way later on in the week. Be ready!

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