28 September, 2010

Nubuck Kidlib, floss shine

Damn, already clunbking around to the end of September. Suppose I'm always a bit surprised/shocked by the speedy passage of time. Meant to toss some stuff up here before bouncing out of the country for 10 days, but never really got around to it, I suppose.

It seems that a general update is at hand before I start flying through the music... I'm really looking forward to the commencement of October. Going to actually take some time to solidify things and get my feet planted (all things permitting...): prepare for winter, save some money up, get some money paid back, chill, get a new place and I have also declared October fitness month. I want to slam it and be in mean shape by my birthday. That's the plan, at least.

Costa Rica was immaculate. I don't know if there's more I could say unless I Were to go into a whole memoir about the adventures and travels I had there. Go to that country, rent a car and try and get from one of the phenomenal national parks to another, then come talk to me. My new obsession might be driving in different countries. It's such a fun game. Europe is still my favorite. Relative to driving, and well, being in CR made me realize just how much I still miss Europe. If I listen to my heart or instinct at all, I'll have to be there again in the next 5 years...

Anyway, also got in a pretty bad/really good motorcycle accident. Pretty bad because my baby was 'totaled'; pretty good because I should have been seriously injured or dead and got away with a scraped elbow and bruised hip. Kind of a sobering experience. Bummer though is that I'm currently without a bike. Don't know how much longer I can manage sanity in such a situation....

Anyway, enough gibber-gabber about life and travels and near-death. Let's get down to the bones and tunes...

1.) Local Natives -- Eyes Wide (Fools Gold Remix). There's something tremendous about this track. Maybe it's the epic chanting or the slicing snap-beat. Or maybe Fools Gold just makes amazing remixes. I checked out Local Natives' new album, Gorilla Manor and was unimpressed. Need to give it 4-5 more listens before I make up my mind though. This track kills it, however.

2.) Eliot Lipp -- Ballkid; Eliot Lipp -- Linc. This guy is a golden new discovery in the genre of Jazzy hip-hopy ambient/chill music. Straight off of his s/t'd album which is certainly worth checking out.

3.) Lia Ices -- Grown Unknown. Another brilliant, catchy as hell song that I can't get enough of...

I'll leave it at that for now. Enjoy.

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